New Blog:
---- english ----
I now mainly blog on - the website of the One Die Roleplaying System (still only in german - a translation will come someday... after the one into Esperanto).
My non-roleplaying posts are on (for example free software stuff)
I'll still watch LJ, though - I want to read your blogs after all!
Best of wishes,
Arne aka Draketo
---- german ----
Ich blogge inzwischen vor allem auf , der Webseite des Ein Würfel Systems.
Artikel, die nichts mit Rollenspiel zu tun haben stelle ich auf (z.B. Zeug zu freier Software)
Werde aber trotzdem immer wieder bei LJ reinschauen - immerhin will ich eure Blogs lesen!
(und dafür kriege ich e-mail Benachrichtigungen - die ich brauche, um bei irgendwas up to date zu bleiben :) - bin nur oft zeitlich etwas eingebunden)
Viele liebe Grüße,
Arne alias Draketo
I now mainly blog on - the website of the One Die Roleplaying System (still only in german - a translation will come someday... after the one into Esperanto).
My non-roleplaying posts are on (for example free software stuff)
I'll still watch LJ, though - I want to read your blogs after all!
Best of wishes,
Arne aka Draketo
---- german ----
Ich blogge inzwischen vor allem auf , der Webseite des Ein Würfel Systems.
Artikel, die nichts mit Rollenspiel zu tun haben stelle ich auf (z.B. Zeug zu freier Software)
Werde aber trotzdem immer wieder bei LJ reinschauen - immerhin will ich eure Blogs lesen!
(und dafür kriege ich e-mail Benachrichtigungen - die ich brauche, um bei irgendwas up to date zu bleiben :) - bin nur oft zeitlich etwas eingebunden)
Viele liebe Grüße,
Arne alias Draketo
Creatures of the Night, Dervish and many more - I just fell in love with Tom Smith
I downloaded the _free_ stuff from Tom Smith about last week, and since then he fills my ears and my mind.
I won't go on too long about how great they are.
Instead I'll just say: Listen in yourselves!
These are the ones which gripped me the strongest:
- Creatures of the Night:
- Blue Screen of Death:
- Destroyer of Worlds:
- (Don't gonna be a) Big Star:
And last and best one (imho):
- Dervish:
Just let yourselves be dragged in and experience them as I do...
Here you'll find some of the stuff:
Some other stuff must be found by hand. Hint: He doesn't ward his server folders.
Best wishes,
Arne aka Draketo
I won't go on too long about how great they are.
Instead I'll just say: Listen in yourselves!
These are the ones which gripped me the strongest:
- Creatures of the Night:
- Blue Screen of Death:
- Destroyer of Worlds:
- (Don't gonna be a) Big Star:
And last and best one (imho):
- Dervish:
Just let yourselves be dragged in and experience them as I do...
Here you'll find some of the stuff:
Some other stuff must be found by hand. Hint: He doesn't ward his server folders.
Best wishes,
Arne aka Draketo
color meme
Nicked from lastalda:
But just changing one answer let it switch to blue... I'm still not quite sure about the correct answer.
This is the question:
When confronted with a problem your first over-whelming thought is
Stay Calm -> blue
Be Spiritual -> purple
And both are true.
What color is your soul painted? Purple Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. |
But just changing one answer let it switch to blue... I'm still not quite sure about the correct answer.
This is the question:
When confronted with a problem your first over-whelming thought is
Stay Calm -> blue
Be Spiritual -> purple
And both are true.
EWS 2.0.1 - Eine neue Version des EWS
Ich habe gestern die neuste Version des EWS online gestellt: EWS v2.0.1
Mit dieser Version ist nun die inhaltliche Entwicklung der 2. Version des EWS abgeschlossen, und auch wenn es bereits Pläne für eine dritte Version gibt, soll Version 2 nun erstmal für eine längere Zeit die Referenz sein).
Im Vergleich zu EWS v2.0 gibt es einige Fehlerkorrekturen (ein paar Wahrscheinlichkeiten waren falsch, und eine Heilungszeit war mit 10 statt 14 Tagen angegeben, dazu kleinere Sachen wie Kommata oder Tippfehler) und ein paar der Texte fließen sauberer.
Im Vergleich zu den Beta-Versionen gibt es ein neues Logo (von Gertrud Wenzel) und einige besser verständliche Texte.
Was nun bleibt: Wir werden Stück für Stück die bereits geplanten Module schreiben und/oder aktualisieren, und wir werden verschiedene Welten mit EWS-Regeln rausbringen.
Der erste Fokus für mich (Drak alias Arne Babenhauserheide) ist die weitere Ausarbeitung des Psi-Systems für RaumZeit.
Wenn ihr immer up to date bleiben wollt, findet ihr in unseren News-Aggregator immer Infos zum aktuellen Stand der Dateien.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß mit dem EWS!
- Drak
Mit dieser Version ist nun die inhaltliche Entwicklung der 2. Version des EWS abgeschlossen, und auch wenn es bereits Pläne für eine dritte Version gibt, soll Version 2 nun erstmal für eine längere Zeit die Referenz sein).
Im Vergleich zu EWS v2.0 gibt es einige Fehlerkorrekturen (ein paar Wahrscheinlichkeiten waren falsch, und eine Heilungszeit war mit 10 statt 14 Tagen angegeben, dazu kleinere Sachen wie Kommata oder Tippfehler) und ein paar der Texte fließen sauberer.
Im Vergleich zu den Beta-Versionen gibt es ein neues Logo (von Gertrud Wenzel) und einige besser verständliche Texte.
Was nun bleibt: Wir werden Stück für Stück die bereits geplanten Module schreiben und/oder aktualisieren, und wir werden verschiedene Welten mit EWS-Regeln rausbringen.
Der erste Fokus für mich (Drak alias Arne Babenhauserheide) ist die weitere Ausarbeitung des Psi-Systems für RaumZeit.
Wenn ihr immer up to date bleiben wollt, findet ihr in unseren News-Aggregator immer Infos zum aktuellen Stand der Dateien.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß mit dem EWS!
- Drak
Demo in Heidelberg: Gegen Studiengebühren und für verfasste Studierendengemeinschaften!
Gestern war ich zusammen mit über 100 anderen Studierenden auf einer Demo gegen Studiengebühren und für die Wiedereinführung von verfassten Studierendengemeinschaften in Baden Würthemberg. Wir waren endlich wieder auf der Straße, und die Samba-Truppe und Gesang haben ihren Teil dazu beigetragen, dass die Demo sowohl sinnvoll war as auch Spaß gemacht hat!
Es geht weiter!
Link mit mehr Infos:
Es geht weiter!
Link mit mehr Infos:
Infinite Hands - free software song now online!
After working on it for a long time (with quite some help from Alan Thiesen), Infinite Hands is online at last, music, text and chords! (and all under free licenses) ->
Please spread the URL!
PS: I'd love to get the video recordings from FilkCONtinental where Elb(en)land (Lastalda, Trudy and Ingolf) honored me by playing a previous version of Infinite Hands with me... and I''d love to put them online as well!
Please spread the URL!
PS: I'd love to get the video recordings from FilkCONtinental where Elb(en)land (Lastalda, Trudy and Ingolf) honored me by playing a previous version of Infinite Hands with me... and I''d love to put them online as well!
A song from the icy lands: The Vision of the Polar Skulk
This song is recreating the vision of the Polar Skulk in art:
myths: A song from the icy lands: The Vision of the Polar Skulk
This song is recreating the vision of the Polar Skulk in art.
Criticism and praise would be a great gift to the pup writing this song
A song from the icy lands
Freedom for Music, for Movies and for every word,
Fighting is not quite absurd,
and we are peaceful, good and kind,
and fight for freedom of the mind.
Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.
Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.
we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and sing the music of the world.
Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.
Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.
we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and free the music of the world.
Our skulk is happy with that which is free,
we spread the free things which we see,
like Gnus, who made the firelight,
we spread the freedom in the night.
-Ref 1 but:
learn the wisdom of the world
free the wisdom of the world.
Each night we meet artists who give us their songs,
and more learn each day, where the music belongs,
and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing shine brighter than gold.
and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing grow stronger than gold.
-Ref 1 but:
... dance the rhythm of the world
... change the rhythm of the world.
myths: A song from the icy lands: The Vision of the Polar Skulk
This song is recreating the vision of the Polar Skulk in art.
Criticism and praise would be a great gift to the pup writing this song
A song from the icy lands
Freedom for Music, for Movies and for every word,
Fighting is not quite absurd,
and we are peaceful, good and kind,
and fight for freedom of the mind.
Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.
Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.
we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and sing the music of the world.
Our world is ice,
but we're together,
calling to the moon,
the cousins of the wolf.
Our tales of freedom
light a fire
of love and family,
the song of foxes.
we teach the wolves,
and sing of beauty,
gather wisdom,
and free the music of the world.
Our skulk is happy with that which is free,
we spread the free things which we see,
like Gnus, who made the firelight,
we spread the freedom in the night.
-Ref 1 but:
learn the wisdom of the world
free the wisdom of the world.
Each night we meet artists who give us their songs,
and more learn each day, where the music belongs,
and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing shine brighter than gold.
and wherever we travel, a seed takes its hold,
and singing and dancing grow stronger than gold.
-Ref 1 but:
... dance the rhythm of the world
... change the rhythm of the world.
Leslie Fish is great!
I got the OK from Leslie Fish to filk her Music from Finitiy's End - along with her original cords!
Even greater is how she gave it, when she was asked by Alan Thiesen:
> >> The German filker Draketo (aka Arne Babenhauserheide) wishes permission to use Leslie's melody to "Finity's End" for an inspiring parody he has written that could be an anthem of the free software movement.
> Fine with me! I'm all for the free software movement -- and anything else that keeps the Internet free.
> >> - the song with her chors added - ... for Infinite Hands are we.
> Go for it! ...And good luck.
She's great!
*happily dancing on the chair*
As soon as I have the recording from Ingolf, the song will go online, along with a revised version with great improvements from Alan.
Even greater is how she gave it, when she was asked by Alan Thiesen:
> >> The German filker Draketo (aka Arne Babenhauserheide) wishes permission to use Leslie's melody to "Finity's End" for an inspiring parody he has written that could be an anthem of the free software movement.
> Fine with me! I'm all for the free software movement -- and anything else that keeps the Internet free.
> >> - the song with her chors added - ... for Infinite Hands are we.
> Go for it! ...And good luck.
She's great!
*happily dancing on the chair*
As soon as I have the recording from Ingolf, the song will go online, along with a revised version with great improvements from Alan.
FilkCONtinental: Videos
It's been a week now since FilkCONtinental ended, and con-is-over-blues was strange this year. I enjoyed being back home with my love, but at the same time I had the feeling of leaving home when I left FilkCONtinental.
I really enjoyed being there with all of you, and listening to my recordings now brings back the memories of a home I can find only once a year.
But a part of that home is with me, while I listen to my recordings as my computer pulls them from my camera, and a part of the blues and the warm and fuzzy feeling of FilkCONtinental comes again.
The next con will come, and I will be home again with you.
- Draketo
I really enjoyed being there with all of you, and listening to my recordings now brings back the memories of a home I can find only once a year.
But a part of that home is with me, while I listen to my recordings as my computer pulls them from my camera, and a part of the blues and the warm and fuzzy feeling of FilkCONtinental comes again.
The next con will come, and I will be home again with you.
- Draketo